

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums and surrounding tissues. Periodontal diseases, the main cause of which is the accumulation of plaque around the teeth, are quite widespread in Lithuania. Studies show that nearly 90% of people have some symptoms of it.

In the absence of treatment, the primary symptoms progress to severe states of periodontitis, which can result in tooth dislocation and, eventually, tooth loss. The main danger of this disease is that the symptoms develop slowly and without pain, so for many years the patient may not even notice it.

Periodontitis can develop for a variety of reasons: poor oral hygiene, lack of enzymes in saliva, nutritional habits. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hormonal changes in the body can also contribute to the onset of this disease.

The main preventative means are high-quality teeth cleaning and regular professional oral hygiene (once every half year).

What signs indicate periodontal development?

Signs of periodontitis:

  • swollen/sore gums;
  • gum bleeding;
  • receding gums (teeth become visually longer);
  • appearance of gaps between the teeth due to bone loss;
  • tooth mobility and change of position;
  • tooth sensitivity to cold, hot, acidic foods;
  • unpleasant mouth odour.

The following procedures apply to the treatment of periodontitis and gum disease:

  • gum surgery for cleaning teeth pockets;
  • gingivectomy – surgery that removes damaged gums;
  • gum lift surgery – during which one gum layer is lifted;
  • gum plastic surgery.