Plan your finances and find out about the prices of the services offered at our clinic.
Pay in the way that suits you best:
Payment by bank card
In cash
Payment in cash
By order
Payment can be made by prepaid invoice.
To use the leasing service, the patient shall personally arrive to the clinic and present an identity document.
The administrators of the clinics are ready to answer all your questions regarding the payment for services by leasing, so patients do not need to consult with leasing companies.
With health insurance, in one of the companies mentioned, the patient will pay part of the price for the services provided or not pay at all.
Conditions depend on the insurance policy. This part of the costs covered by the insurance is paid by the company directly to the clinic.
Patients with private health insurance are required to present an identity document and insurance book or card upon arrival at the clinic.
Complicated root channel treatment and filling (with microscope)
Arinija, UAB užtikrina, kad asmens duomenys būtų tvarkomi pagal visus reikalavimus.
Šioje svetainėje naudojami slapukai, todėl galite pasirinkti, kokius duomenis mums leidžiate rinkti.
Susipažinkite su Privatumo politika.
Taip pat galite -
valdyti slapukų pasirinkimus
Online registration
We invite you to register for your appointment online - we will get back to you as soon as possible after receiving your enquiry.