
Laura Januseviciute

License no.: OPL-02385

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    Laura Januseviciute has specialised in prosthetics for more than 20 years. She is a graduate of Kaunas Medical University and a qualified orthopaedic dentist. She regularly participates in trainings, lectures, internships and practices. She has also taught for five years at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. L. Januševičiūtė will always give a warm welcome to patients and carefully help them to restore their smile. Orthopaedic dentistry, also known as prosthodontics, is a method of restoring lost teeth or improving the condition of existing ones. Prosthodontics is performed when there is severe damage to a tooth, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as decay, wear, accidents, disease, etc. Restoration of teeth is necessary to enable the patient to chew food properly, to feel comfortable, not to develop aesthetic complexes, etc.